Degree Information

Total Hours Required • At least 120 semester hours with passing grades and a 2.00 cumulative grade point average must be completed for the Bachelor of General Studies degree. Grades of D may not be included among the courses fulfilling the requirements for minors. Advanced Work Requirement • At least 30 of the semester hours applied to the degree program must be at the 300, 400 or 500 level. University Coursework Requirement • Students must acquire at least 15 of their last 21 credit hours of the degree from The University of Mississippi. At least 30 credit hours required for a BGS degree must be taken in residence. General Education Course Requirements: The general education requirement for the Bachelor of General Studies degree is fulfillment of the 30-hour University Core Curriculum, i.e., 6 hours of English composition; 3 hours of college algebra or quantitative reasoning or statistics (taken from the Department of Mathematics) or a more advanced mathematics course; 6 hours of laboratory science; 9 hours of humanities to include at least 3 hours of fine arts; and 6 hours of social or behavioral science courses. Course Requirements for the Degree: In addition to the general education curriculum, a BGS degree consists of three minors selected from the offerings of the College of Liberal Arts and the professional schools serving undergraduates at the University of Mississippi. Minor requirements must total a minimum of 45 semester hours. Courses used to satisfy the general education core curriculum requirements may not be used to meet minor requirements. Students must satisfy all of the requirements for each of three minors as defined by the departments offering those minor with grades of C or better. (Grades of C minus or D will not be accepted for courses fulfilling the minor requirements.)

Overview of Degree Requirements