Nevada Division of Tourism

Nevada Division of Tourism

The Division of Tourism operates within the Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs to help achieve the Governor’s strategic priority of a vibrant and sustainable economy.

In addition to managing state tourism efforts, the Division provides communities and businesses with development resources, training, and grant assistance that help bolster local economic bases and diversify regional economies.

Who We Are

The Division of Tourism (Travel Nevada) operates within the Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs (DTCA) to help achieve the Governor’s strategic priority of ensuring Nevada is recognized for its world-class destinations, its innovative and business-friendly economic environment, its quality of life, and its efficiently and effectively run state government. In addition to managing state tourism efforts, the Division provides communities and businesses with development resources, training, and grant assistance that help bolster local economic bases and diversify regional economies.

Effectively promote statewide tourism to enhance the economic vitality of Nevada.

A vibrant quality of life for all Nevadans.

The Division will accomplish the Mission and Vision through the development and execution of two major program components:



Our approach is twofold:

The Nevada Commission on Tourism was created in 1983 at the proposal of Governor Richard H. Bryan with the intent of diversifying the state’s gaming-based economy.

The general goal was to create a more stable economic base in local communities in terms of economic development and to position Nevada as a business and leisure destination. As such, rural counties were divided into territories with the purpose of tourism promotion.

Five a designated geographically by location and one – Indian Territory – is cultural. In each territory, representatives from private and public sector tourism businesses and agencies have formed a nonprofit territorial committee that oversees promotional efforts in the region.

The chairperson of each committee serves on the Territory Advisory Committee, which reviews the recommendations by the Nevada Division of Tourism staff for grants.